Table 1

Demographic and socioeconomic variables by migration status

Rural (n=201)Migrant (n=589)Urban (n=199)Missing data (n/989)
Demographic variables
 Age, mean (SD)48.3 (13.1)47.8 (11.7)48.1 (11.9)0
 Female, n (%)106 (52.7%)309 (52.5%)107 (53.8%)0
Individual's education level, n (%)2 (0.2%)
 None68 (33.8%)59 (10%)2 (1%)
 Primary incomplete64 (31.8%)124 (21.1%)11 (5.6%)
 Primary complete30 (14.9%)99 (16.8%)23 (11.6%)
 Secondary incomplete16 (8%)126 (21.4%)50 (25.3%)
 Secondary complete or more23 (11.4%)180 (30.6%)112 (56.6%)
Household income, n (%)83 (8.4%)
 ≤US$50109 (69%)8 (1.4%)2 (1%)
 US$51–15032 (20.3%)143 (25.8%)36 (18.7%)
 US$151–25010 (6.3%)292 (52.6%)104 (53.9%)
 US$251–3504 (2.5%)82 (14.8%)40 (20.7%)
 US$351–4502 (1.3%)26 (4.7%)8 (4.2%)
 ≥ US$4501 (0.6%)4 (0.7%)3 (1.6%)
Number of people per room, n (%)6 (0.6%)
 <234 (17%)217 (37.1%)68 (34.3%)
 2–372 (36%)240 (41%)75 (37.9%)
 3–443 (21.5%)78 (13.3%)37 (18.7%)
 ≥451 (25.5%)50 (8.6%)18 (9.1%)
Possessions weighted asset index, n (%)0
 Lowest tertile196 (97.5%)110 (18.7%)24 (12.1%)
 Middle5 (2.5%)259 (44%)72 (36.2%)
 Highest tertile0220 (37.4%)103 (51.8%)
Number of deprivations per individual, n (%)*0
 None3 (1.5%)265 (45%)131 (65.8%)
 One deprivation18 (9%)217 (36.8%)55 (27.6%)
 Two deprivations89 (44.23%)85 (14.4%)11 (5.5%)
 Three deprivations91 (45.3%)22 (3.7%)2 (1%)
Highest parental education level, n (%)0
 None122 (60.7%)298 (50.6%)30 (15.1%)
 Some primary52 (25.9%)147 (25%)26 (13.1%)
 Primary complete or more27 (13.4%)144 (24.5%)143 (71.9%)
Cigarette consumption in the last 30 days
 Individuals, n (%)6 (3%)37 (6.3%)32 (16.1%)
 Cigarettes, median (IQR range)10 (1–20)5 (3–20)5.5 (1–26.5)
Current smokers§
 Individuals, n (%)11 (5.5%)59 (10%)40 (20.1%)
  • * Number of deprivations based on the sum of deprivations in education (none or incomplete primary education), income (household income <US$150 per month) and assets (lowest tertile of possessions weighted asset index) in the same individual.

  • Those with two or more deprivations were considered socioeconomically deprived.

  • All individuals that smoked in the last 30 days qualified as current smokers.

  • § The difference between current smokers and those who reported cigarette consumption in the last 30 days is accounted for by those who reported having smoked in the last 6 months but not in the last 30 days.