Table 3

Clinical, electrocardiographic, echocardiographic and histological characteristics of patients with and without desmosomal protein gene mutations

VariableDesmosomal mutations group (n=12)Non-carrier group (n=72)p Value
Mean age (years)44.8±13.148.2±13.30.42
Sex, n (%)0.87
 Male9 (75%)59 (82%)
 Female3 (25%)13 (18%)
NYHA class, n (%)0.25
 I0 (0%)1 (1%)
 II5 (42%)12 (17%)
 III4 (33%)36 (50%)
 IV3 (23%)23 (32%)
Family history
 Dilated cardiomyopathy, n (%)5 (42%)11 (15%)0.08
 Sudden cardiac death, n (%)1 (8%)6 (8%)1
History of sustained VT, n (%)0 (0%)5 (7%)1
 Urgent HT, n (%)7 (58%)25 (35%)0.22
 Time on waiting list (days)128±183101±1810.64
 Time since first evaluation (days)641±1066309±4110.31
 Sinus rhythm, n (%)7 (58%)53 (74%)0.46
 Atrial fibrillation, n (%)5 (42%)19 (26%)0.46
 Mean QRS duration, (ms)*100±30117±350.17
 Left bundle branch block, n (%)2 (17%)24 (33%)0.41
 Right bundle branch block, n (%)0 (0%)1 (1%)1
 Non-specific bundle branch block, n (%)0 (0%)9 (13%)0.35
 Paced rhythm, n (%)3 (25%)10 (14%)0.58
 Terminal activation QRS V1–V3 >55 ms, n (%)2 (28%)4 (11%)0.55
T wave inversion, n (%)
 V12 (29%)2 (6%)0.24
 V21 (14%)1 (3%)0.75
 V30 (0%)3 (9%)1
 V41 (14%)3 (9%)1
 V55 (71%)17 (49%)0.49
 V66 (86%)20 (57%)0.32
 I2 (29%)8 (23%)1
 aVL3 (43%)12 (34%)1
 II2 (29%)7 (20%)1
 III1 (14%)7 (20%)1
 aVF1 (14%)7 (20%)1
Arrhythmia during exercise test
 Ventricular ectopy on exercise, n (%)1 (17%)10 (21%)1
 Ventricular ectopy during recovery, n (%)1 (17%)16 (34%)0.69
24-h ECG monitoring§
 Non-sustained VT, n (%)3 (50%)25 (54%)1
 LVedD (mm)69±1171±110.70
 Predicted LVedD (%)150±24151±230.46
 LVEF (%)27±725±80.46
 LV wall motion abnormalities, n (%)1 (8%)5 (7%)1
 RV dilation, n (%)4 (33%)31 (44%)0.53
 RV systolic impairment, n (%)6 (50%)21 (29%)0.27
 RV wall motion abnormalities0 (0%)3 (4%)1
RVEF on isotopic ventriculography (%)29±1025±110.48
Patients with RVEF by isotopic ventriculography < LVEF by echocardiography, n (%)2 (33%)15 (44%)0.96
 LV fatty infiltration, n (%)1 (8%)6 (8%)1
 RV fatty infiltration, n (%)4 (33%)28 (39%)0.96
 LV fibrotic infiltration, n (%)10 (83%)57 (79%)0.94
 RV fibrotic infiltration, n (%)6 (50%)36 (50%)1
 LV fibrotic or fibrofatty infiltration >25%, n (%)0 (0%)12 (17%)0.28
 RV fibrotic or fibrofatty infiltration >25%, n (%)2 (16%)7 (10%)0.83
 RV fibrotic or fibrofatty infiltration >50%, n (%)0 (0%)5 (7%)1
  • * Patients with paced ventricular rhythm excluded.

  • Patients with bundle branch block or paced ventricular rhythm excluded.

  • Six patients (50%) from the mutated group and 47 (65%) from the non-carrier group underwent exercise test.

  • § Six patients (50%) from the mutated group and 46 (64%) from the non-carrier group underwent 24h ECG monitoring.

  • Six patients (50%) from the mutated group and 34 (49%) from the non-carrier group underwent RV isotopic ventriculography.