Table 4

Final scoring

MethodPhysiological concept
AAR ≥ ISAAR=IS*Correlation with transmuralityLine of identity fitFinal score
  • * In near transmural infarcts.

  • Salvage=100% − transmurality.

  • AAR, area at risk; ESA, infarct endocardial surface area; IS, infarct size; T2w-CMR, T2-weighted cardiovascular magnetic resonance.

  • Each AAR method was ranked and given a relative score from 1 (worst) to 5 (best) according to how well they agreed with specified physiologic concepts. BARI and T2w-CMR were given an equal score of 3 as their performance was similar for the concept AAR≥IS (both 87%, first column). The last column shows the final scores after summation. The ESA method performed best, followed by the T2w-CMR, APPROACH, BARI and Aldrich methods.