Table 1

Baseline characteristics of normal volunteers

VariableAllMaleFemalep Value
Age (years), median (range)43 (24–81)36 (24–81)46 (24–68)NS
Weight (kg)76±1382±1170±11<0.001
Height (cm)171±10178±8165±7<0.001
eGFR (ml/min/1.73 m2)93±1594±1493±16NS
Heart rate (beats/min)63±1060±866±10<0.01
EDVi (ml/m2)73±1378±1267±11<0.001
ESVi (ml/m2)24±727±721±6<0.001
EF (%)67±566±570±5<0.001
Massi (g/m2)67±1375±1157±8<0.001
LAAi (cm2/m2)11±211±211±2NS
Septal maximal wall thickness (mm)6.8±17.6±16.0±1<0.001
  • Values are mean ± SD unless stated.

  • EDVi, left ventricular end diastolic volume indexed; EF, left ventricular ejection fraction; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate calculated using the modification of diet in renal disease equation; ESVi, left ventricular end systolic volume indexed; LAAi, left atrial area indexed; Massi, left ventricular mass indexed; NS, no significant correlation.