Table 2

Parameters used in the model

Population characteristics
 Mean age (SD)53.0 (13.5)Triangular (35,53,85)Goodacre et al8
 % Male58.1%n/N=1138/1958Goodacre et al8
 MI prevalence7.0%n/N=137/1958Goodacre et al8
 Median (IQR) time delay (minutes)132 (80255)_Goodacre et al8
1-year probabilities of death and non-fatal MI
 Death, treated MI11%n/N=9/80Mills et al10
 Death, untreated MI21%n/N=19/90Mills et al10
 Reinfarction, treated MI11%n/N=9/80Mills et al10
 Reinfarction, untreated MI29%n/N=26/90Mills et al10
Costs of tests, hospital stay and treatment
 Treatment of MI (index or reinfarction)£3587Uniform (3000, 4000)NHS reference costs14
 Hospital stay (per hour) for testing£22Uniform (20, 30)NHS reference costs for general medical ward14
 Troponin testing (per test)£20Uniform (18, 25)Goodacre et al8