Table 1

Characteristics of the total cohort, stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients and references

CovariateTotalCasesReferencesp Value
Total, n212101111<0.001
 hs-cTnT, ≥3 ng/l, n (%)145 (68.4)87 (86.1)58 (52.3)<0.001
 hs-cTnT, geometric mean4.727.753.01<0.001
Demographic data
 Age, years mean (SD)59 (10.0)64 (7.5)54 (9.7)<0.001
 Female, n (%)104 (49.1)51 (50.5)53 (47.7)0.689
 BMI, kg/m2 mean (SD)25.6 (4.6)25.1 (4.9)26.1 (4.4)0.102
Smoking habit
 Pack-years, mean (SD)21.3 (20.8)36.6 (17.6)7.3 (11.6)<0.001
 Current smoker, n (%)47 (22.2)27 (26.7)20 (18.0)0.127
 FVC, litre mean (SD)3.5 (1.4)2.7 (1)4.3 (1.3)<0.001
 FEV1, litre mean (SD)2.3 (1.3)1.3 (0.6)3.2 (1)<0.001
 FEV1/FVC, % mean (SD)62.6 (17.5)47.4 (12.8)76.3 (6.4)<0.001
 FEV1/height2, litre/m2 mean (SD)0.8 (0.4)0.4 (0.2)1.1 (0.2)<0.001
Clinical data
 Syst BP, mm Hg mean (SD)136.4 (20)137.8 (21.4)135.3 (18.7)0.360
 Arterial HT, n (%)48 (22.6)35 (34.7)13 (11.7)<0.001
 Diabetes mellitus, n (%)8 (3.8)3 (3.0)5 (4.5)0.558
 Statin, n (%)20 (9.4)10 (9.9)10 (9)0.824
Laboratory data
 Haemoglobin, g/dl mean (SD)14.3 (1.2)13.8 (1.1)14.8 (1.1)<0.001
 NT-pro BNP, pmol/l, median (IQR)7.8 (12.7)13.4 (15.1)5.5 (7.7)<0.001
 IL6, pg/ml, median (IQR)0.8 (2.1)2.1 (3.2)0.8 (0.9)0.016
 Neutrophils, 109/l mean (SD)3.8 (1.4)4.3 (1.5)3.3(1.2)<0.001
 Creatinine, mg/dl mean (SD)0.8 (0.2)0.8 (0.2)0.8 (0.1)0.331
 Heart rate, n/min mean (SD)67 (12.0)70 (12.4)65 (10.5)0.005
 Pathological Q wave, n (%)4 (1.9)4 (4)0 (0)0.034
 T wave inversion, n (%)7 (3.3)3 (3.0)4 (3.6)0.797
 Left ventricular hypertrophy, n (%)7 (3.3)6 (5.9)1 (0.9)0.040
 Right ventricular hypertrophy, n (%)3 (1.4)3 (3.0)0 (0)0.067
 P pulmonale, n (%)7 (3.3)7 (6.9)0 (0)0.005
  • BMI, body mass index; FEV, forced expiratory volume; FVC, forced vital capacity; HT, hypertension; hs-cTnT, high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T; IL, interleukin; NT-pro BNP, N-terminal probrain natriuretric pepride; one pack-year, 20 cigarettes daily during 1 year, Syst BP: systolic blood pressure.