Table 1

Summary of cognitive function in SAFETY participants at baseline (in hospital)

Total (n=260)MCI (n=169)No MCI (n=91)p Value
Mean age (years)72±1174±1068±12<0.001
 Aged <65 years (%)68 (26%)34 (20%)34 (37%)<0.01
 Aged 65–74 years (%)79 (30%)50 (30%)29 (32%)0.70
 Aged ≥75 years (%)113 (44%)85 (50%)28 (31%)<0.01
Male sex (%)137 (53%)89 (53%)48 (53%)0.99
Mean CHA2DS2-VASc score (±SD)4±24±23±2<0.001
Education < secondary school*80 (31%)65 (39%)15 (17%)<0.001
Mean MoCA score (±SD)23±421±327±1<0.001
AF subtype
 Paroxysmal (%)10 (4%)6 (4%)4 (4%)0.74
 Persistent (%)224 (86%)147 (87%)77 (85%)0.60
 Permanent (%)26 (10%)16 (10%)10 (11%)0.70
 Hypertension (%)188 (72%)128 (76%)60 (66%)0.09
 CAD (%)84 (32%)61 (36%)23 (25%)0.08
 Type 2 diabetes (%)67 (26%)50 (30%)17 (19%)0.06
 Stroke/SE/TIA (%)41 (16%)31 (18%)10 (11%)0.12
 Vascular disease (%)15 (6%)13 (8%)2 (2%)0.07
 Excessive alcohol intake (%)^43 (17%)29 (18%)14 (16%)0.73
 CHA2DS2-VASc score ≥3 (%)†185 (71%)130 (77%)55 (60%)<0.01
Prescribed therapies
 Anticoagulant (%)141 (54%)91 (54%)50 (55%)0.87
 Clopidogrel+aspirin (%)46 (18%)33 (20%)13 (14%)0.29
 Aspirin only (%)126 (49%)87 (52%)39 (43%)0.19
 Digoxin (%)92 (35%)69 (41%)23 (25%)0.01
 β-Blocker (%)130 (50%)87 (52%)43 (47%)0.52
 Anti-arrhythmic (%)69 (27%)41 (24%)28 (31%)0.26
  • For the current research, the CHA2DS2-VASc score is scored from 0 to 8 (not 0 to 9 as is the norm) due to the exclusion of patients with chronic heart failure.

  • *Assessed in n=257; ^More than two standard drinks on any occasion. Assessed in n=250 patients.

  • †CHA2DS2-VASc score definition: C, congestive heart failure/left ventricular dysfunction (one point); H, hypertension (even if treated; one point); A2, age >75 years (two points); D, diabetes mellitus (one point); S2, stroke/SE/TIA (two points); V, vascular disease (one point); A, age 65–74 years (one point); Sc, sex category (female sex; one point).

  • AF, atrial fibrillation; CAD, coronary artery disease; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment; SAFETY, Standard versus Atrial Fibrillation spEcific managmenT studY; SE, systemic embolism; TIA, transient ischaemic attack.