Table 1

Published echocardiographic and CMR diagnostic criteria

Patients, n87716
Criteria1. Numerous, excessively prominent trabeculations with deep intertrabecular recesses2. Progressive decrease in the ratio of myocardial thickness from epicardial surface to trough (X) and epicardial surface to peak (Y) of the trabeculations at the mitral valve and papillary muscle level (PLAX view) and apex (subcostal or apical four-chamber view)*3. A progressive increase in the LV free-wall thickness(Y) from the mitral valve level to apex1. No coexisting cardiac abnormalities2. Two-layered myocardial structure with a compacted (C) thin epicardial band and a thicker non-compacted (NC) endocardial layer of trabecular meshwork with deep endomyocardial spaces. Measurement of maximal NC/C layer ratio.3. Non-compaction predominantly in mid-lateral, mid-inferior, and apical segments.4. Colour Doppler evidence of deep perfused intertrabecular recesses1. >3 trabeculations protruding from LV wall, apical to the papillary muscles, visible in one image plane†2. Perfused intertrabecular spaces by colour Doppler3. Two-layered myocardial structure with the non-compacted endocardial layer usually but not necessarily thicker than the compacted layer in end-systole191. Two-layered myocardium2. Compacted and non-compacted segments measured from long-axis SSFP cines at a site with the most prominent trabeculations3. Measurement should be perpendicular to compacted myocardium (apical segment 17 should not be used)1. Short-axis SSFP cines used to obtain total LV mass (tips of trabeculae to epicardium – red and yellow lines below)2. Same used to obtain compacted myocardial mass (epicardium to compacted endocardium, green and yellow lines below)3. Difference between first and second measurement provides trabecular mass4. Papillary muscles should be included in the compacted myocardial mass
Cardiac phaseEnd-diastoleSystoleNot statedDiastoleEnd-diastole
Ratio/otherNone suggested*NC/C>2.0None suggestedNC/C>2.3Trabecular mass >20%
  • Figure 1 accompanies this table.

  • *A mean±SEM X/Y ratio of 0.92±0.07 (base), 0.59±0.05 (papillary muscle), and 0.20±0.04 (apex) was seen in LVNC. The apical measurements had the lowest measurement reproducibility.

  • †Trabeculations=structures with the same echogenicity as the myocardium and moving synchronously with ventricular contractions.

  • ‡This criteria was suggested in a subsequent publication, and no non-compacted:compacted segment ratio is suggested.

  • C Compacted, CMR Cardiac MR, LV Left ventricular, NC Non-compacted, SSFP Steady-state free precession.