Table 1

Baseline demographics and medical therapy of study population

Baseline characteristicTotal
p Value
Age, years62±263±361±40.63
Male, n (%)19 (73)10 (77)9 (69)0.66
Time to randomisation (h)*67.9±7.870.5±8.164.7±14.50.32
Peak troponin (ng/ml)8.3±2.38.9±3.87.7±2.50.79
Cholesterol (mg/l)5.5±0.35.5±0.35.5±0.40.98
Blood pressure (mm Hg)135/75±5/3137/79±6/4132/73±7/3>0.3
Current smoker, n (%)6 (23)4 (31)2 (15)0.87
Diabetes mellitus, n (%)2 (8)2 (15)0 (0)0.14
Prior AMI, n (%)9 (35)5 (40)4 (35)0.68
Hypertension, n (%)9 (35)5 (38)4 (31)0.68
Hypercholesterolaemia, n (%)8 (31)5 (38)3 (23)0.40
Aspirin, n (%)26 (100)13 (100)13 (100)1.0
Clopidogrel, n (%)26 (100)13 (100)13 (100)1.0
LMWH, n (%)22 (85)11 (85)11 (85)1.0
ACE inhibitor, n (%)10 (42)7 (54)4 (31)0.43
β Blocker, n (%)21 (88)9 (69)12 (92)0.14
Statin, n (%)22 (85)10 (77)12 (92)0.28
Ca channel antagonist, n (%)2 (8)0 (0)2 (15)0.14
  • Data expressed are means±SEM or the number of cases and percentage of the group. Groups are compared by a χ2 test or student t test for categorical and continuous data, respectively.

  • *Time to randomisation describes the interval between the onset of ischaemic symptoms and the first study blood sample.

  • AMI, acute myocardial infarction; LMWH, low molecular weight heparin.