Table 1

Baseline aortic diameters and yearly aortic dilatation rates in patients with BAV, DA, and MFS

p Value
Age, year48±1571±1135±11<0.0001
Gender, male n (%)254 (72%)40 (78%)36 (72%)0.60
Systolic BP mm Hg (baseline)124±17124±16128±190.59
Ejection fraction,%59±855±1163±9<0.0001
AR ≥2, n (%)123 (35%)9 (18%)1 (2%)<0.0001
Aorta diameter at baseline
 Aortic annulus, mm25.0±324.6±324.6±20.49
 Sinuses of Valsalva, mm37.1±641.5±641.8±6<0.0001*†
 Sinotubular junction, mm31.5±537.5±533.3±5<0.0001*†‡
 Ascending aorta, mm37.9±644.5±432.4±5<0.0001*†‡
Dilatation rate, mm/year
 Aortic annulus0.05±0.2§0.005±0.20.04±0.70.51
 Sinuses of Valsalva0.21±0.4§0.09±0.2§0.49±0.5§<0.0001*†‡
 Sino-tubular junction0.18±0.5§0.10±0.2§0.10±1.20.50
 Ascending aorta0.42±0.6§0.20±0.3§0.12±1.0§0.0005*†
 Maximal dilatation rate0.42±0.60.20±0.30.49±0.50.02*‡
  • *Indicates significant differences between BAV and DA.

  • †Indicates significant differences between BAV and MFS.

  • ‡Indicates significant differences between MFS and DA.

  • §Indicates significant differences between baseline and follow-up diameters.

  • Larger baseline aortic diameters in DA patients reflect the inclusion criteria of 40 mm for these patients versus 37 mm for BAV and MFS.

  • AR, aortic regurgitation; BAV, bicuspid aortic valve; BP, blood pressure; DA, degenerative aortopathy; MFS, Marfan syndrome.