Table 2

Timing of intervention for chronic MR

Stage ACC/AHA 2014ESC/EACTS 2012
Class I—MV surgery is recommended in patients with
DSymptomatic chronic severe primary MR and LV EF >30% (ESC adds LV ESD <55 mm)I (B)I (B)
C2Asymptomatic chronic severe primary MR and LV dysfunction (LV EF 30–60% and/or LV ESD ≥40 mm) (ESC uses LV ESD ≥45 mm)I (B)I (B)
C2 -DMV repair is recommended in preference to MVR for chronic severe primary MR limited to the posterior leafletI (B)I (C)
C2 -DMV repair is recommended in preference to MVR for chronic severe primary MR involving the anterior leaflet or both leaflets when a successful and durable repair can be accomplishedI (B)I (C)
CConcomitant MV repair or replacement in patients with chronic severe primary MR undergoing cardiac surgery for other indicationsI (B) 
Class IIa—MV repair is reasonable in patients with
C1Asymptomatic chronic severe primary MR with preserved LV function (LV EF>60% and LV ESD <40 mm) with:
  • 95% likelihood of a durable repair without residual MR

  • expected mortality rate of <1%

  • performed at a Heart Valve Center of Excellence

IIa (B)IIa (B) flail leaflet and ESD ≥40 mm
IIb (C) for LAE or exertional PASP ≥60
C1Asymptomatic chronic severe non-rheumatic primary MR and preserved LV function with high likelihood of durable repair with new onset of AF or resting pulmonary hypertension (PASP>50 mm  Hg)IIa (B)IIa (C)
BChronic moderate primary MR if undergoing cardiac surgery for other indicationsIIa (C)
CLASS IIb—intervention may be considered in patients with
DMV surgery may be considered in symptomatic patients with chronic severe primary MR and LV EF ≤30%IIb (C)IIa (C) high likelihood repair or IIb (C) if low
DRheumatic mitral valve disease when surgical treatment is indicated if a durable and successful repair is likely or if the reliability of long-term anticoagulation management is questionableIIb (B)
DTranscatheter MV repair for severely symptomatic chronic severe primary MR who have a reasonable life expectancy but a prohibitive surgical risk because of severe comorbiditiesIIb (B)
CLASS III—MVR should NOT be performed in patients with 
Isolated severe primary MR limited to less than one half of the posterior leaflet unless MV repair has been attempted and was unsuccessfulIII (Harm) (B)
  • AF, atrial fibrillation; ESD, end-systolic dimension; MR, mitral regurgitation; MV, mitral valve; MVR, mitral valve replacement; PASP, pulmonary artery systolic pressure.