Table 1

Baseline demographics of the patients with and without severely calcified lesions

All studied patients (n=6296)Patients with severely calcified lesions (n=1291)Patients without severe calcifications (n=5005)p Value
Age (years)64 (56–72)69 (62–75)63 (55–71)<0.001
Male (%)4740 (75.3)957 (74.1)3783 (75.6)0.280
BMI27.1 (24.7–30.0)27.0 (24.2–30.0)27.2 (24.8–30.1)0.001
Hypertension4328 (69.4)969 (75.5)3359 (67.7)<0.001
Hypercholesterolaemia (%)4056 (65.2)899 (70.2)3157 (63.9)<0.001
Diabetes mellitus (%)1453 (23.2)1079 (21.7)374 (29.0)<0.001
Peripheral vascular disease (%)1745 (30.7)397 (32.1)1348 (30.3)0.214
Cerebrovascular disease (%)182 (4.9)73 (7.2)109 (4.0)<0.001
Creatinine > 200 mol/L61 (1.1)20 (1.6)41 (0.9)0.025
Positive smoking history (%)3257 (52.1)648 (50.4)2609 (52.6)0.161
LV systolic function0.712
Normal LV function (%)3838 (78.4)833 (77.6)3005 (78.7)
Moderate LV dysfunction (%)865 (17.7)196 (18.2)669 (17.5)
Severe LV dysfunction (%)191 (3.9)45 (4.2)146 (3.8%)
Unstable presentation (%)3349 (53.2)672 (52.1)2677 (53.5)0.357
History of previous MI (%)1745 (30.7)397 (32.1)1348 (30.3)0.214
Syntax score15 (9–23)25 (18–34)13 (7–20)<0.001
Complete revascularisation (%)1086 (53)339 (48)550 (55.6)0.001
Treatment with 2nd generation DES (%)2709 (43.0)375 (29.0)2334 (46.5)<0.001
  • BMI, Body Mass Index; MI, myocardial infarction; DES, drug-eluting stent.