Table 5

AED knowledge by age group

Open AED9.7% (14/144)13.6% (58/425)17.3% (37/214)12.3% (16/130)
Listen to and follow instructions11.8% (17/144)21.9% (93/425)22.9% (49/214)21.5% (28/130)
Apply pads in correct area on chest13.2% (19/144)13.9% (59/425)22.0% (47/214)9.2% (12/130)
Await analysis of heart rhythm1.4% (2/144)5.6% (24/425)7.9% (17/214)4.6% (6/130)
Aware persons to be clear before shock8.3% (12/144)8.2% (35/425)12.1% (26/214)3.8% (5/130)
Shocks patient13.9% (20/144)9.9% (42/425)15.0% (32/214)5.4% (7/130)
Continues CPR should shock not be advised/successful2.1% (3/144)1.6% (7/425)3.7% (8/214)2.3% (3/130)
  • Total=913 respondents, as some ages were not recorded/obtained.

  • AED, automatic external defibrillator; CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation.