TableĀ 1

Characteristics of patients included in trial database

InterventionMedical therapyCRT-DCRT-PICDMissing (%)
Number of patients34773527132843060.0
Age (mean, years)61.965.
QRS duration (mean, ms)130.8156.8162.3140.51.3
LVEF (mean, %)23.723.423.423.31.4
Gender (% female)24.022.530.120.70.0
US (%)81.161.662.668.80.0
NYHA1 (%)
NYHA2 (%)45.359.44.561.9
NYHA3 (%)43.531.185.324.9
NYHA4 (%)
Ischaemic (%)
LBBB morphology (%)37.569.479.745.61.8
  • CRT-D, cardiac resynchronisation therapy pacemaker with defibrillation therapy; CRT-P, cardiac resynchronisation therapy pacemakers; ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillators; LBBB, left bundle branch block; NYHA, New York Heart Association.