Table 1

Baseline characteristics and stress test results

Demographic dataAll patients (n=57 085)Age <40 (n=7896)Age 40–49.9 (n=15 401)Age 50–59.9 (n=17 145)Age 60–69.9 (n=10 288)Age ≥70 (n=6355)p Value
Age (years)53±1334±545±355±365±375±4<0.001
Haemodynamic data
 Resting heart rate (bpm)73±1274±1374±1273±1272±1271±12<0.001
 Resting SBP (mm Hg)131±19123±16126±17131±18137±19142±19<0.001
 Resting DBP (mm Hg)81±1079±1181±1182±1082±1080±10<0.001
 ppMHR achieved91%91%91%91%90%90%<0.001
Medical history
 Hx hypertension62%36%51%66%76%83%<0.001
 Hypertension medications43%20%32%46%58%65%<0.001
 Hx hyperlipidaemia43%23%36%49%54%51%<0.001
 Hx smoking41%34%43%45%42%36%<0.001
 Hx diabetes18%9%13%19%25%26%<0.001
 Family history of CAD51%51%56%54%48%39%<0.001
 Hx obesity23%22%24%27%22%15%<0.001
 COPD medications9%8%9%9%9%8%0.10
Indication for stress testing
 Chest pain62%69%67%60%57%55%<0.001
 Shortness of breath9%5%8%9%11%12%<0.001
Stress test results
 Mean METS achieved9.2±311.1±310.2±39.3±37.9±36.3±2<0.001
METS categories:
 <6 METS13%3%5%9%20%44%<0.001
 6–9 METS27%13%19%28%40%39%<0.001
 10–11 METS37%37%43%42%32%15%<0.001
 ≥12 METS23%48%33%21%8%1%<0.001
  • Baseline characteristics and stress test results in the total cohort and by age groups. p Value shown for variance across age groups.

  • bpm, beats/min; CAD, coronary artery disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; Hx, history; METS, metabolic equivalents; ppMHR, per cent predicted maximal heart rate (by 220–age); SBP, systolic blood pressure.