Table 1

Descriptive statistics of study population in Ontario, Canada, 1996–2013

CharacteristicsCardiovascular-related hospitalisations
CHDAMIStrokeIschaemic stroke
n=1 389 057n=443 447n=355 837n=237 979
Demographic characteristics
  Age, mean (IQR), year66.5 (64–82)68.5 (58–80)71.0 (64–82)73.0 (66–83)
First-time hospitalisation* (%)37.770.272.678.9
Comorbidity† (%)
  Cardiac dysrhythmias13.812.214.616.0
  Congestive heart failure13.414.69.410.7
  Hypertensive disease30.725.827.428.6
Medication‡ (%)
  Antihypertensive medication§79.168.762.463.5
   ACE inhibitors41.236.833.033.3
   Beta blockers48.135.428.429.4
  Oral anticoagulants9.38.911.711.0
  • *Defined as whether a patient was hospitalised for the first time for each condition.

  • †Ascertained using the records of hospitalisations from the selected conditions (based on all diagnostic codes) within 5 years before the hospitalisations under investigation.

  • ‡Prescribed within 90 days prior to hospitalisations. The medication data were only available for subjects aged 65 years and above.

  • §Includes ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, beta blockers and calcium chann.

  • AMI, acute myocardial infarction; CHD, coronary heart disease.