Table 1

Calculation of the reporting OR (ROR)

Reports with the suspected ADR:
that is LQT or TdP or ventricular arrhythmias
Reports without the suspected ADR
Reports with suspected drugs (exposed: SERMs)AB
Reports with control drugs (non-exposed: AIs)CD
  • A, number of reports of drug-induced arrhythmias (LQT or TdP or ventricular arrhythmias) associated with given drugs (SERMs); B, number of reports of other adverse drug reactions associated with given drugs (SERMs); C, number of reports of drug-induced arrhythmias associated with control drugs (AIs); D, number of reports of other adverse drug reactions associated with control drugs (AIs).

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  • ADR, adverse drug reaction; AIs, aromatase inhibitors; LQT, long QT; SERMs, selective oestrogen receptor modulators; TdP, torsade de pointes.