Table 4

Haemodynamics at peak exercise in controls and HFpEF patients

VariableControlHFpEFHF MRT <60 sHF MRT ≥60 s
SBP (mm Hg)192 (24)178 (36)159 (34)*188 (28)†
DBP (mm Hg)88 (16)83 (12)77 (12)88 (11)
MAP (mm Hg)122 (13)114 (16)105 (14)*122 (13)†
HR (beats/min)158 (13)132 (23)*129 (28)*134 (19)*
c (L/min)13.4 (4.0)13.9 (3.5)13.3 (3.8)14.5 (3.2)
c index (L/min/m2)7.2 (1.8)6.6 (1.47)6.2 (1.7)6.9 (1.2)
SV (mL)85 (25)104 (15)*100 (2)108 (17)*
SV index (mL/m2)45 (12)49 (8)47 (6)52 (10)
TPR (dyne/s/cm5)801 (287)695 (151)679 (141)709 (167)
V̇O2 (L/min)1.65 (0.44)1.44 (0.48)1.46 (0.5)1.42 (0.5)
V̇O2 (mL/kg/min)22.2 (4.0)14.6 (3.1)*14.6 (3.8)*14.7 (2.5)*
a-vO2 difference (mL/100 mL)12.7 (2.9)10.4 (2.2)*11.1 (2.5)9.71 (1.7)*
Δ a-vO2 difference (mL/100 mL)7.0 (1.6)4.1 (2.3)*4.3 (2.4)*4.0 (2.4)*
  • Means (SD).

  • *P<0.05 versus control.

  • †P<0.05 versus MRT <60 s.

  • a-vO2, arterial-venous oxygen difference; Δ AvO2 difference, change from baseline; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HFpEF, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; HR, heart rate; MAP, mean arterial pressure; MRT, mean response time; Q̇c, cardiac output; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SV, stroke volume; TPR, total peripheral resistance; V̇O2, oxygen utilisation.