Table 1

Compliance for ESC domains of quality for patients with AMI

DomainsTotal populationEligible populationAvailability (%)Compliance (%) SE
1. Centre organisation and system level structures of AMI care
2. Reperfusion invasive strategy 22.4
QI 2.1. For patients treated with fibrinolysis: <30 min from diagnosis to the needle.8445339 (73.6)10 (25.6) 0.07
QI 2.2. For patients treated with primary PCI and admitted: <60 min from door to balloon time.844442309 (69.9)45 (14.6) 0.02
QI 2.3. The proportion of patients with NSTEMI, and no contraindication, who receive coronary angiography within 72 hours after admission.909090 (100)27 (30.0) 0.05
3. In-hospital risk assessment NSTEMI 50.6
QI 3.1. The proportion of patients with NSTEMI who have ischaemic risk assessment using the GRACE risk score909090 (100)71 (78.9) 0.04
Mean GRACE score120.4 (SD=39.9)
Median GRACE score114
Mean probability of death in hospital1%–3%
QI 3.2. Proportion of patients admitted with STEMI or NSTEMI bleeding risk assessment using CRUSADE
Mean CRUSADE score
934934208 (22.3)24.7 (SD=14.0)
4.Antithrombotic during hospitalisation 79.1
QI 4.1. Number of patients eligible for in-hospital antithrombotic therapies who received ≥1 therapies.934934930 (99.6)738 (79.4) 0.01
QI 4.3. Dual antiplatelet therapy934934934 (100)736 (78.8) 0.01
5. Secondary prevention discharge treatment. 87.9
QI 5.1. Proportion of patients with AMI discharged on statins, unless contraindicated934829829 (100)729 (87.9) 0.01
6. Patient experience collected in a systematic way (Seattle Angina and EQ5DL). 551 (76.1)
Mean patient satisfaction (range 1–100)93472455175.5 (SD=14.00)
QI 6.1. Pain reported as a symptom (EQ5DL)934724551 (76.1)203 (36.8) 0.02
7. Composite quality indicator (mean)934571 44
QI 7.3. 30-day mortality rate adjusted for GRACE 2.09345710.4 (0.07)
  • Compliance for domains 2–7 is described below. Domain 1 includes descriptive information, which is described within the main body of the results. Compliance for each indicator is reported as a proportion (%) with the SE where appropriate. The composite proportion of compliance for each domain is in bold.

  • *STEMI- ST- elevation myocardial infarction. NSTEMI- non- ST- elevation myocardial infarction. EQ5D-L- EuroQual 5 domains- long.

  • AMI, acute myocardial infarction; ESC, European Society of Cardiology; GRACE, Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; QI, quality indicator.