Table 2

Clinical features and diagnostic investigations differentiating NBTE from infective endocarditis

NBTEInfective endocarditis
Predisposing conditions:Autoimmune (SLE/APLS)Underlying valve pathology
MalignancyHistory of intravenous drug use
Hypercoagulable statesCentral lines/indwelling catheters
Clinical features:
 Systemic embolism++++
 Heart failure– (rare)++
 Valve dysfunction++++
Blood cultures/serologySerial negative blood cultures+ (Negative blood cultures in up to 30% of cases)
Echocardiographic features:Frequent false-negative results: vegetation may have already embolised
Vegetations often small (<1 cm), broad based and irregular in shape
Predilection for left-sided heart valves
Mobile mass of variable location
Valve destruction/dysfunction common
Aortic root abscess often seen
MRI brain for cerebral emboliMultiple, small disseminated infarctsUsually single territory large infarct
  • NBTE, non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis.