Abstract 33 Table 2 Multivariate analysis of characteristics associated with an increased mortality (in bold). HR – hazard ratio, CI – confidence interval, MI – myocardial infarction, CABG – coronary artery bypass graft, PCI – percutaneous coronary intervention, LV – left ventricular, CVA – cerebrovascular accident, LMS-PCI – left main stem percutaneous coronary intervention. Level of significance set at p<0.05
Predictors of 1-year mortalityMultivariate analysis
VariableHR (95% CI)p-valueHR (95% CI)p-value
Age, years 1.14 (1.08-1.21) <0.0001 1.12(1.03-1.22) 0.008
Sex (female)0.78 (0.50-1.21)0.261
Length of stay1.05 (1.02-1.07)0.001
Acute coronary syndrome4.03(1.73-9.38)0.0011.16 (0.46-2.93)0.756
Cardiogenic shock 33.25 (12.15-91.02) <0.0001 16.40 (4.04-66.65) <0.0001
Previous MI1.12 (0.72-1.73)0.627
Previous CABG0.68 (0.34-1.36)0.278
Previous PCI0.57(0.32-1.02)0.057
Diabetes 1.88 (1.18-2.99) 0.008 2.59 (1.30-5.17) 0.007
Hypertension0.65 (0.41-1.03)0.06
Smoker (ex or current)1.28(0.81-2.02)0.29
Creatinine clearance 0.96 (0.94-0.97) <0.0001 0.98 (0.96-1.00) 0.031
Severe LV impairment 2.33 (1.47-3.68) <0.0001 3.52 (1.69-7.33) 0.001
Peripheral vascular disease 3.55 (2.13-5.91) <0.0001 2.73 (1.22-6.13) 0.015
CVA0.54 (0.21-1.39)0.204
Multi-vessel disease1.82(0.71-4.64)0.212
Vascular access (Radial)1.51 (0.99- 2.32)0.058
LMS-PCI3.11 (1.69-5.72)<0.00011.01 (0.33-3.12)0.986