Table 2

New prognostic score (DEVI’s score) to predict composite adverse cardiac outcome in pregnant women with rheumatic valvular heart disease

Prior cardiovascular event*+4.0
Pulmonary hypertension+4.0
Taking cardiac medications−1.0
Severe mitral stenosis+4.0
Moderate mitral stenosis+2.0
Mild mitral stenosis+1.0
Prosthetic heart valve+2.0
  • Score is calculated by adding the individual score for the presence of each parameter and its range (minimum–maximum) is 0–12. A score of 5 or more is associated with high risk of adverse cardiac outcome.

  • *Prior cardiovascular events defined as the occurrence of one or more of the following: heart failure arrythmia, infective endocarditis and thromboembolic events.

  • DEVI"s Score, aDverse cardiac Events in Valvular rheumatic heart disease In pregnancy.