Table 1

Characteristics of trials and participants

CharacteristicsBlood pressure (BP) difference trialsDrug class comparison trialsAll trials
BP-lowering intensityPlacebo controlledAll BP difference trials
No. of trials921302952*
No. of trials by year of end of study
Before 199012303
After 200942638
Mean (SD) trial duration (years)4 (2)4 (2)4 (2)4 (2)4 (2)
Mean (median) no. of follow-up BP measures14 (13)7 (6)8 (8)8 (7)8 (8)
No. of participants (% women)35 934 (45)112 934 (35)148 873 (38)224 038 (44)363 684 (42)
% (n/N) Caucasian/European ethnicity46 (15 863/34 823)68 (58 851/86 908)61 (74 714/121 731)64 (118 128/185 351)63 (188 948/297 852)
% (N) current smoker at baselineb22 (8238/35 908)16 (17 702/111 190)18 (25 940/147 098)20 (44 173/220 708)19 (68 360/359 719)
Mean (SD) baseline SBP/DBP151 (21)/88 (15)146 (21)/83 (11)147 (21)/84 (12)156 (21)/90 (12)152 (21)/87 (12)
% (N) participants by baseline SBP (mm Hg)
<120/<704 (2870)/11 (3806)8 (9176)/9 (10 037)7 (10 650)/9 (13 843)3 (7027)/5 (10 410)5 (17 128)/7 (23 803)
120–129/70–799 (6228) / 17 (6075)13 (15 063)/24 (26 927)13 (18 448)/22 (33 002)6 (12 969)/14 (31 330)9 (30 720)/17 (63 091)
130–139/80–8918 (11,289) / 24 (8593)17 (19 674)/39 (43 738)18 (26 077)/34 (50 623)11 (23 906)/28 (62 292)14 (48 820)/30 (109 589)
140–149/90–9919 (11 393)/29 (14 890)18 (20 590)/21 (24 043)19 (27 386)/23 (34 324)18 (41 220)/30 (67 403)19 (66 928)/27 (98 994)
150–159/100–10917 (10 050)/14 (6342)14 (16 246)/7 (7355)14 (21 107)/8 (12 264)19 (42 509)/18 (39 839)17 (61 495)/14 (51 014)
≥160/≥11033 (19 050)/6 (2696)28 (32 114)/1 (750)30 (43 396)/2 (2994)43 (95 833)/5 (12 188)38 (136 226)/4 (14 810)
Mean (SD) age (years) at baseline61 (12)65 (10)64 (11)65 (9)65 (10)
% (N) of participants by age at baseline
<50 years16 (7146)5 (5596)8 (11 256)4 (9542)5 (19 122)
50–59 years34 (18 465)22 (24 668)25 (36 978)24 (52 819)24 (86 699)
60–69 years27 (18 005)39 (44 374)36 (54 016)39 (87 144)38 (137 849)
70–79 years18 (13 313)26 (28 921)24 (35 264)28 (63 119)27 (97 290)
≥80 years6 (3999)8 (9342)8 (11 321)5 (11 369)6 (22 638)
% (N) with condition at baseline†
Cardiovascular disease16 (5617/35 934)66 (72 209/110 020)54 (78 738/145 945)45 (98 944/221 993)49 (175 519/359 357)
Coronary heart disease11 (4120/35 934)41 (45 591/110 008)34 (49 711/145 942)38 (67 766/177 363)37 (115 562/316 125)
Stroke3 (966/34,840)34 (32 650/95 800)28 (36 521/130 643)11 (17 830/168 003)18 (51 320/292 559)
Diabetes24 (8540/35 934)36 (36 179/100 697)33 (44 719/136 631)26 (58 404/223 654)28 (99 375/351 357)
Chronic kidney disease33 (4854/14 799)9 (2845/25 789)19 (7699/40 588)17 (18 917/108 612)17 (24 289/145 895)
% (N) previously on BP-lowering medication†34 (12 141/35 934)71 (73 833/103 766)65 (73 237/126 502)77 (119 454/155 069)69 (202 428/293281)
Mean (SD) body mass index† (kg/m2)29 (6)28 (5)28 (5)28 (5)28 (5)
  • *Some trials provided data to more than one trial design.

  • †Data limited to those with relevant information and N refers to the denominator for number of participants with information on the relevant variable.

  • SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure.