Table 1

Baseline clinical and laboratory characteristics of the study population according to TAC score quartiles

AllQ1 (0–44)Q2 (44-274)Q3 (274–1067)Q4 (1068–30 900)P value
Age, years69.1±9.262.6±6.666.6±7.770.3±8.276.5±8.0<0.001
Male sex, n (%)1127 (47)300 (50)278 (46)281 (47)268 (44)0.329
White, n (%)913 (38)234 (39)209 (35)211 (35)259 (43)
Chinese American, n (%)320 (13)61 (10)64 (11)97 (16)98 (16)
Black, n (%)638 (26)175 (29)182 (30)158 (26)123 (20)
Hispanic, n (%)541 (22)134 (22)147 (24)137 (23)123 (20)
Body Mass Index, kg/m2 28.4±5.528.8±5.528.9±5.728.3±5.427.7±5.3<0.001
Smoking status0.003
 Never, n (%)1120 (46)319 (53)282 (47)271 (45)248 (41)
 Former, n (%)1106 (46)236 (39)276 (46)286 (47)308 (51)
 Current, n (%)186 (8)49 (8)44 (7)46 (8)47 (8)
 Less than high school, n (%)333 (14)49 (8)77 (13)102 (17)105 (17)
 High school, n (%)1129 (47)268 (44)282 (47)266 (44)313 (52)
 Some college, n (%)442 (18)128 (21)117 (19)105 (17)92 (15)
 College and above, n (%)508 (21)159 (26)126 (21)130 (22)93 (15)
Total cholesterol, mg/dL184.4±36.3188.8±35.6187.7±35.7180.8±36.3180.2±36.9<0.001
HDL cholesterol, mg/dL55.9±16.755.7±17.456.0±17.055.9±16.656.2±16.00.962
Diabetes, n (%)450 (19)101 (17)93 (15)123 (20)133 (22)0.010
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg123.7±20.1117.7±17.7122.0±19.9123.9±19.0131.0±21.4<0.001
Lipid-lowering medications, n (%)891 (37)156 (26)196 (33)241 (40)298 (49)<0.001
Hypertensive medications, n (%)1291 (54)236 (39)294 (49)332 (55)429 (71)<0.001
CAC score30 (0, 212)0 (0, 30)12 (0, 102)50 (0, 229)219 (37, 682)<0.001
  • Data are presented as mean±SD, number (%) or median (25th, 75th percentile).

  • CAC, coronary artery calcium; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; TAC, thoracic artery calcium.