Table 1

Comparison of baseline characteristics between the low DLco and normal DLco groups

Low DLco (n=36)Normal DLco (n=39)P value
Age, year61.1±15.260.9±12.60.961*
Women30 (83.3)20 (51.3)0.003†
Body mass index, kg/m224.0±5.022.6±4.40.192*
WHO functional class (I/II/III/IV)0/5/29/20/9/30/00.186§
Smoking history18 (50.0)16 (41.0)0.435†
Median follow-up days, days1070 (566–1623)833 (472–1581)0.371§
Brain natriuretic peptide, pg/mL73.4 (18.5–173.2)121.0 (57.3–339.9)0.075§
Heart rate, bpm77±1275±140.412*
Comorbidities¶18 (50.0)14 (35.9)0.217†
 Asthma6 (16.7)2 (5.1)0.143‡
 Interstitial pneumonia1 (2.8)00.480‡
 Lung cancer01 (2.6)>0.999‡
 Tuberculosis1 (2.8)1 (2.6)>0.999‡
 Pneumonitis2 (5.6)1 (2.6)0.605‡
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease04 (10.3)0.116‡
 Atypical mycobacteria1 (2.8)1 (2.6)>0.999‡
 Sleep disordered breathing1 (2.8)1 (2.6)>0.999‡
 Depression3 (8.3)3 (7.7)>0.999‡
 Malignancy (except for lung cancer)6 (16.7)5 (12.8)0.751‡
 Atrial fibrillation1 (2.8)00.480‡
 Coagulopathy1 (2.8)2 (5.1)>0.999‡
Respiratory function
 FEV1.0%, %73.9±9.374.0±10.90.996*
 %VC, %88.0±14.895.9±13.10.016*
 %DLco, %67.9±8.294.4±10.7<0.001*
 Riociguat administration12 (33.3)17 (43.6)0.362†
 Diuretics15 (41.7)12 (30.8)0.326†
 Warfarin20 (55.6)23 (59.0)0.765†
 Direct anticoagulant drug16 (44.4)16 (41.0)0.765†
  • Data are presented as the mean±SD, median (IQR) or n (%). The p value was calculated by the independent t-test (*), χ2 test (†), Fisher’s exact test (‡) or Mann-Whitney U test (§) between the two groups. ¶Some patients had multiple comorbidities.

  • %DLco, diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide as percent of predicted; DLco, diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide; FEV1.0%, forced expiratory volume percentage in 1 s; %VC, vital capacity percentage.