Table 3

Procedural characteristics of BPA

Low DLco (n=36)Normal DLco (n=39)P value
 Total number of BPA procedures246208
 Median number of BPA procedures per patient6 (4–10)4 (4-6)0.059*
 Number of treated lung segments per procedure6.2±2.86.1±2.70.720†
 Total number of treated segments per patient42.4±2.832.6±2.7*0.026†
 Number of pulmonary vessels per procedure11.3±6.011.0±6.00.622†
 Ratio of total occluded lesion to treated branches, %‡
 Total number of treated pulmonary vessels per patient77.3±6.058.9±6.0*0.039†
 Fluoroscopy time per procedure, min56.8±18.164.2±20.4*<0.001†
 Contrast medium per procedure, mL118.9±41.8125.6±41.10.096†
Complication (number of procedure)
 Haemosputum or haemoptysis21 (8.5)23 (11.1)0.819†
 Contrast agent-related renal dysfunction00>0.999§
 Use of NPPV11 (4.5)10 (4.8)0.865†
 Use of ECMO00>0.999§
 Death related to BPA00>0.999§
  • Data are presented as the mean±SD, median (IQR) or n (%).

  • The p value was calculated by the independent t-test (*), χ2 test (†), Fisher’s exact test (‡) or Mann-Whitney U test (§) between the two groups.

  • BPA, balloon pulmonary angioplasty; DLco, diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; NPPV, non-invasive positive pressure ventilation.