Table 1

Case reports of antiphospholipid syndrome with acute myocardial infarction

CaseReferenceAgeSexLesionTreatmentOther thrombosis
1Harpaz et al 5 40MAnteriort-PA (iv)Pulmonary embolism amaurosis fugax
2Kattwinkel et al 6 29FDiffuseConservativeNot described (recurrent fetal loss)
3Thorp et al 7 29FInferiorConservativeDVT
4Miller et al 8 8FLateralResuscitation deathNot described
5Ho et al 9 62MAnteriort-PA (iv)DVT
6Sakakibara et al 10 32FInferiorConservative CABGCerebral infarction
7Chambers et al 11 56FInferiorStreptokinase (iv) PTCA CABGNot described
8Kovacs et al 12 56FDiffuset-PA (iv)DVT
9Derksen et al 13 32FAnteriorConservativeDVT
  • t-PA , tissue plasminogen activator; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; PTCA, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; DVT, deep vein thrombosis.