Table 1

Clinical characteristics of the study groups

(n = 50)
VF group
(n = 50)
p value
Matched characteristics
Sex (male/female)48/248/2
Age (years)58 (8)57 (8)
LV ejection fraction (%)41 (16)41 (18)
Number of diseased vessels2.4 (0.8)2.4 (0.7)
 1/2/3 vessel CAD9/14/278/16/26
Previous myocardial infarction3939
β Blockers during study ECG2321
Other characteristics
History of hypertension1921NS
History of diabetes4 6NS
NYHA class (I/II/III/IV)0/9/38/34/33/12/1< 0.001
Positive exercise test4524< 0.001
Thrombolytic therapy17 6< 0.05
Previous CABG3 8NS
Number of previous MIs
Left ventricular aneurysm2 12 < 0.01
Left ventricular hypertrophy 1-150 75NS
Medication during study ECG
 Calcium channel blockers 235< 0.001
  • Data are number of individuals or mean (SD).

  • 1-150 SV1 + RV5 > 35 mm in the ECG;Verapamil, diltiatzem or nifedipine.