Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics of Swedish patients undergoing diagnostic coronary angiography1-150 by the treatment or intervention to which they were referred

CharacteristicsAll patients
(n = 2767)
CABG patients (n = 1387)PTCA patients
(n = 687)
Medical treatment patients (n = 693)
Age (%)
25–44 years4.
 45–54 years19.111.924.528.1
 55–64 years30.429.231.232.2
 65–74 years37.245.932.524.4
 ⩾ 75 years8.511.15.56.2
Median age (years)63666059
Male (%)71.378.572.955.4
Anatomic disease1-151 (%)
Left main10.720.60.31.0
 Three vessels28.550.07.95.8
 Two vessels with PLAD1-152 8.310.59.92.2
 Two vessels, other12.612.020.55.8
 Single vessel, with PLAD1-152 5.91.917.52.6
 Single vessel, other12.
Insignificant disease (%)
50–69% stenosis5.
 < 50% stenosis16.20064.4
Clinical indication (%)
 Chronic stable angina73.374.865.178.4
 Unstable angina15.414.721.810.5
 Postmyocardial infarction8.18.411.83.6
History of myocardial infarction (%)
  • 1-150 Patients were excluded from the study if they were being evaluated for arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, valvar heart disease or heart transplantation, if they were referred for emergency coronary angiography, had a history of PTCA within six months or any previous CABG or were enrolled in another study.

  • 1-151 See appendix for definition of significant coronary artery disease.

  • 1-152 PLAD (proximal left anterior descending) artery stenosis is defined as an obstruction before the first septal perforator.