Table 4

Distribution of procedures planned for patients with a waiting list related death compared with the distribution of all cardiac procedures performed in the Netherlands (1994)

Type of procedureWaiting list related deaths (n = 181)Netherlands4-150
(n = 13717)
Absolute risk (estimate)Relative risk (95% CI; p value)
CABG surgery110 (61%)72%0.0061.00
Valve surgery 34 (19%)15%0.0091.48 (1.01–2.18; 0.046)
CABG and valve surgery 34 (19%)5%0.0270.45 (3.04–6.51; < 0.001)
Other  3 (1%)8%0.0020.25 (0.08–0.77; 0.007)
  • 4-150 Adapted from reference 3.

  • CABG, coronary artery bypass graft surgery.