Table 1

Number of patients with various abnormalities on the admission ECG

ECG appearanceCodeNumberDied ⩽ 1 month (mortality %)Died ⩽ 2 years (mortality %)
Not available061  (17)3  (50)
Bundle branch block1180 (0)5 (3)
1-150ST elevation: anterior alone29810 (10)18 (18)
1-150ST elevation: inferior alone3993 (3)10 (10)
1-150ST elevation: anterior and inferior4201 (5)2 (10)
ST elevation: other ST elevation5270 (0)3 (11)
ST depression, without ST elevation6460 (0)9 (20)
Q waves781 (13)2 (25)
T wave inversion8172 (12)3 (18)
Normal9170 (0)2 (12)
Other abnormality10220 (0)0 (0)
Totals37818 (5)57 (15)
  • 1-150 ST elevation ⩾ 1 mm in two adjacent limb leads or ⩾ 2 mm in two adjacent precordial leads.