Table 2

Comparison between patients that could and could not perform exercise stress test

Exercise stress
test (n = 75)
No exercise stress test (n = 23)
Age (years)63 (9)66 (9) p = 0.2
Left ventricular ejection fraction (nuclear angiography)(%)45 (9)39 (13) p = 0.007
Aspartate aminotransferase (μkat/l)5.5 (3.8)7.5 (6.3) p = 0.04
Number of patients using β blockers70 (93%)19 (83%)
Number of patients using calcium channel blockers5 (7%)2 (9%)
Number of patients using nitrates31 (41%)8 (3%)
Number of patients using ACE inhibitors23 (31%)17 (74%)