Table 4

Differences in illness perceptions and risk factors between diagnostic categories

CABG (n = 42)CABG + AMI (n = 31)AMI (n = 64)
Intention to go to rehabilitation32 (76.2%)23 (74.2%)44 (68.8%)
Illness perceptions
Control/cure24.3 (23.2–25.4)24.9 (23.4–26.3)23.5 (22.7–24.2)
 Consequences13.6 (12.7–14.6)12.8 (11.6–14.0)12.8 (12.1–13.6)
 Timeline 9.3 (8.5–10.1) 9.9 (8.8–11.0) 9.9 (9.2–10.7)
 Causal attribution4-151
 Lifestyle 3.2 (2.8–3.6) 3.4 (3.0–3.9) 3.2 (2.8–3.4)
  Stress 3.6 (3.2–4.0) 3.5 (3.0–4.0 3.3 (3.0–3.7)
Knowledge of BP36 (85.7%)24 (80%)49 (76.6%)
Knowledge of TC33 (78.6%)22 (71%)23 (35.9%)*
Previous history34 (87.2%)26 (83.9%)13 (39%)*
Previous exercise21 (58%)13 (48.1%)29 (50.9%)
  • Where count data are shown actual numbers are written with percentages shown in parentheses; for continuous data the mean score for each variable is shown with the confidence interval given in parentheses.

  • 4-151 Kruskall-Wallis test; *p < 0.001.

  • BP, blood pressure; TC, total cholesterol.