Table 1

Causes of hyperhomocysteinaemia

Male sex
Lifestyle factors including smoking, heavy intake of coffee, and alcohol
Cystathionine β synthase deficiency (the cause of classic homocystinuria)
5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency (rare) or   thermolability (common)
 Methionine synthase deficiency (rare)
Nutritional disorders
Folate deficiency
 Vitamin B12 deficiency
 Vitamin B6 deficiency
Systemic disease
Renal failure
 Malignant diseases
 Cholestyramine and colestipol (decrease cobalamin and folate absorption)
 Methotrexate (inhibits dihydrofolate reductase)
 Phenytoin and carbamazepine (antagonise folate)
 Nitrous oxide (inactivates methionine synthase)
 Niacin and theophylline (decrease pyridoxal kinase)
 Androgens (increase muscle mass and serum creatinine)
 Cyclosporin A (decreases renal function)
 Metformin (may decrease cobalamin absorption)
 Fibric acid derivatives (may interfere with renal function)