Table 1

Summary of direct comparisons of cTnT with cTnI in risk stratification in acute coronary syndromes

Study Study population cTnT (cut off) cTnI (cut off) Positive cTnT (patients) Positive cTnI (patients) Follow up Death/AMI in cTnT positive patients Death/AMI in cTnI positive patients
Hamm et al 6
(n = 315)
Any age, ⩽ 12 h chest pain, no ST elevation, no AMI within 14 days Bedside
(0.18 ng/ml)
(0.1 ng/ml)
70 (22%)114 (36%)30 days22%19%
(n = 516)
25–80 years, < 24 h chest pain, ST depression , T wave inversion or proven IHD ES 300
(0.1 μg/l)
Opus Magnum (2.0 μg/l)249 (48%)213 (41%)30 days11%11%
(n = 823)
> 40 years, < 72 h chest pain, ST depression or T wave inversionEnzymun
(0.1 μg/l)
(0.1 μg/l)
66%5 months16.7%17.3%
GUSTO IIa14 (n = 770)Any age, < 12 h chest pain, ⩾ 0.05 mV ST depression or elevation, LBBB or T wave inversionES 300
(0.1 μg/l)
Stratus II
(1.5 μg/l)
278 (36%)220 (29%)30 days12%13%
Ottani et al 15
(n = 74)
Any age, < 48 h chest pain, > 0.05 mV ST elevation or depression, or T wave inversionES 300
(0.1 μg/l)
Baxter Stratus (3.1 μg/l)18 (24%)18 (24%)30 days17%28%
  • AMI, acute myocardial infarction; IHD, ischaemic heart disease; LBBB, left bundle branch block.