Table 1

Short list of options for monitoring coronary heart disease in Scotland

Option A: Status quo No dedicated central coordination or structure
National data collection of hospital activity and deaths
Cardiac surgery and angioplasty databases
Record linkage between inpatient episodes and death records possible
Quality assurance from the Information and Statistics Division in Edinburgh
Primary care data collection from a sample of self selected general practices
Dispensed prescription data analysable by general practitioner but not by diagnosis
Ad hoc risk factor surveys
Option B: Enhanced routine data model Central coordination from the Information and Statistics Division in Edinburgh
Designated director of CHD monitoring, small support staff, including data  manager and statistician
Enhanced capability for data linkage and harmonisation between routine datasets
Patient function and quality of life surveys for discharged hospital patients
Accident and emergency database
Option B1: Enhanced routine data model plus risk factor surveys Addition of national risk factor surveys as per option D
Option C: Community epidemiology model Central coordination. Nurses based in eight selected communities
Full myocardial infarction registration and extended CHD detection (including  heart failure) from 80 spotter general practices in selected communities
Hospital and primary care use: attendances, investigations, admissions, bed use,  interventions
Diagnostic definitions and quality assurance derived from WHO MONICA  standards
Risk factor, patient function, and quality of life surveys for CHD patients in  selected locations
Option D: Australian cardiovascular disease monitoring scheme Central office with researchers collating data from spotter practices and surveys
Sentinel registers in hospitals for AMI based upon a simplified WHO MONICA  protocol
National risk factor and health behaviour surveys
CHD population prevalence surveys
Option D1: Australian model plus quality of life surveys Addition of quality of life surveys as per option B
Option E: CHD registry Central office at the Information and Statistics Division in Edinburgh
Routine links with hospital and general practice information systems for case  notification
Regional data collection via peripatetic staff. Standard diagnostic definitions
Follow up investigations of reported sudden deaths
Option E1: CHD registry plus risk factor surveys Addition of risk factor surveys as per option D
Option E2: CHD registry plus patient function and quality of life surveys Addition of patient function and quality of life surveys as per option B
Option E3: CHD registry plus risk factor, patient function, and quality of life surveys Addition of risk factor surveys (as option D) plus patient function and quality of life  (as option B)
  • AMI, acute myocardial infarction; CHD, coronary heart disease; MONICA, monitoring trends and determinants in cardiovascular disease study.