Table 1

Maternal, birth, and adult characteristics for people with and without coronary heart disease

Coronary heart diseaseNo coronary heart diseasep Value (adjusted for sex)
Maternal characteristics
Weight at end of pregnancy (kg)62.1 (6.4)66.3 (8.7)0.02
Manual occupation70%72%0.70
Birth characteristics
Birth weight (g)3215 (478)3352 (470)0.13
Birth length (cm)50.2 (2.1)50.3 (2.1)0.62
Head circumference (cm)32.2 (1.5)32.8 (1.7)0.05
Ponderal index (kg/m3)25.6 (2.9)26.2 (2.3)0.19
Gestational age (days)284 (12)285 (12)0.63
Adult characteristics
Body mass index1-150(kg/m2)29.7 (1.2)26.9 (1.2)< 0.01
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg)130.5 (15.5)125.3 (15.7)0.12
Glucose 120 min1-150 (mmol/l)6.8 (1.5)5.9 (1.4)0.04
LDL:HDL cholesterol1-150 3.6 (1.5)2.9 (1.5)0.01
SES (ISEI)47 (15)48 (14)0.80
Alcohol (units/week)8 (9)9 (12)0.33
  • Values are mean (SD), except where given as percentages; p value of difference adjusted for sex calculated using linear or logistic regression.

  • 1-150 Geometric mean (SD).

  • Glucose 120 min, blood glucose 120 minutes after standard loading dose; HDL, high density lipoprotein; LDL, low density lipoprotein; SES (ISEI), socioeconomic status index.