Table 1

Comparison of quality of life in patients with silent (group 1), symptomatic (group 2), all atrial fibrillation (all AF), and healthy subjects (control)

Control n=49 Group 1 n=38 Group 2 n=116 All AF n=154
SF-36 score
 Role-physical88 (28)83 (26)35 (38)1-150 1-151 48 (42)1-150
 Vitality71 (14)63 (15)42 (19)1-150 1-151 49 (21)1-150
 Physical functioning89 (19)89 (13)61 (26)1-150 1-151 68 (27)1-150
 Social functioning92 (14)87 (23)67 (27)1-150 1-151 73 (27)1-150
 Mental health81 (11)75 (15)65 (18)1-150 1-151 69 (18)1-150
 Role-emotional92 (24)88 (22)58 (43)1-150 1-151 65 (41)1-150
 Bodily pain77 (15)81 (14)65 (19)1-150 1-151 69 (20)1-150
 General health 78 (1863 (171-150 51 (21)1-150 1-151 55 (211-150
Symptom burden (checklist)
 Symptom frequency10 (6)11 (5)26 (8)1-150 1-151 22 (10)1-150
 Symptom severity 8 (5) 9 (3)22 (6)1-150 1-151 19 (8)1-150
Total functional capacity93 (11)90 (11)71 (20)1-150 1-151 75 (20)1-150
Global life satisfaction8.0 (1.2)7.3 (1.6)1-150 5.9 (1.9)1-150 1-151 6.2 (1.9)1-150
  • Data presented as raw mean (SD) scores;

  • 1-150 p < 0.003 compared with healthy controls;

  • 1-151 p < 0.005 compared with group 1; AF, atrial fibrillation.