Table 2

Results for treadmill exercise testing for both groups (Med, medical group; HBA, ablation group) at baseline line and all follow ups

Baseline1 month3 months6 months12 months
Med (n=18)HBA (n=18)Med (n=18)HBA (n=18)Med (n=18)HBA (n=18)Med (n=16)HBA (n=18)Med (n=16)HBA (n=16)
Exercise duration (mins)4.9 (2.9)5.3 (2.8)6.9 (2.4)2-150 6.2 (2.6)2-150 7.0 (2.1)2-150 6.6 (2.7)2-150 7.0 (2.8)2-150 6.6 (3.0)2-150 7.1 (2.6)2-150 6.8 (2.8)2-150
Vo 2max (ml/min/kg)17 (4)16 (3)19 (4)16 (3)19 (4)16 (3)18 (4)16 (3)18 (4)16 (3)
Peak heart rate (bpm)148 (32)160 (26)139 (22)114 (20)2-150 133 (22)122 (22)2-150 140 (22)120 (23)2-150 132 (29)120 (20)2-150
% predicted peak heart rate100 (21)110 (22)93 (16)77 (14)2-150 89 (13)84 (18)2-150 94 (15)81 (14)2-150 88 (18)80 (13)2-150
Heart rate rest (bpm)85 (13)90 (26)78 (14)2-151 67 (10)2-150 2-151 77 (11)2-151 67 (10)2-150 2-151 78 (14)2-151 67 (11)2-150 2-151 76 (10)2-151 66 (10)2-150 2-151
Heart rate 1 minute (bpm)113 (21)118 (28)95 (20)2-150 81 (15)2-150 88 (16)2-150 87 (24)2-150 90 (19)2-150 84 (20)2-150 87 (17)2-150 80 (17)2-150
Heart rate 2 minutes (bpm)123 (21)130 (25)100 (22)2-150 86 (20)2-150 96 (15)2-150 84 (21)2-150 94 (20)2-150 87 (23)2-150 90 (20)2-150 83 (19)2-150
Heart rate 3 minutes (bpm)130 (26)135 (23)105 (18)2-150 86 (21)2-150 103 (20)2-150 97 (16)2-150 100 (21)2-150 93 (21)2-150 100 (17)2-150 89 (20)2-150
  • 2-150 p < 0.05 for intra-group comparison with baseline measurements;

  • 2-151 p < 0.05 for inter-group comparison of Medv HBA.