Table 5

Variables in relation to mean neointimal tissue area, ratio of tissue to stent area, angiographic late loss, and angiographic minimum lumen diameter at the six month follow up, by univariate analysis

Variable Mean T-CSA Mean T-CSA: mean S-CSA Angiographic late loss
Type of stentp < 0.015-150 p < 0.015-150 p = 0.015-150
 Palmaz-Schatz (n=121)4.2 (1.9) mm2 50 (19)%0.67 (0.47) mm
 AVE (n=32)2.95 (1.1) mm2 34 (11)%0.91 (0.55) mm
 Nir (26)3.1 (1.2) mm2 35 (11)%0.95 (0.55) mm
Angiographic lesion length r = 0.56 r = 0.62 r = 0.20
p < 0.015-160 p < 0.015-160 p = 0.0075-160
Angiographic MLD post-stent r = 0.02 r = 0.28 r = 0.27
p = 0.775-160 p < 0.015-160 p < 0.015-160
  • Values area mean (SD).

  • 5-150 Results from analysis of variance;

  • 5-160 r = Pearson correlation coefficient, results from linear regression.