Table 4

Mean (SD) 35 item short form health survey (SF-36) scores at baseline and final assessment and mean changes in scores between baseline and final assessment in control and intervention groups

SF-36 domainGroup Control n=49 Intervention n=49Mean (SD) scoreMean change in scorep Value4-150
Physical functionControl31.1 (24)24.3 (25)–6.80.005
Intervention36.7 (26)38.0 (27)1.3
Physical role limitationControl23.5 (37)11.2 (28)–21.30.003
Intervention14.8 (31)22.2 (37)7.4
Emotional role limitationControl32.6 (42)22.4 (36)–10.20.000
Intervention36.0 (46)61.9 (46)25.9
Social functioningControl45.5 (31)32.3 (27)–13.20.000
Intervention46.7 (31)54.2 (30)7.5
Mental healthControl60.2 (23)47.5 (23)–12.70.000
Intervention56.7 (24)68.7 (20)12.0
Energy and vitalityControl34.4 (23)21.5 (21)–12.90.000
Intervention29.4 (23)36.5 (21)7.1
PainControl48.0 (27)38.0 (25)–10.00.000
Intervention48.4 (27)54.0 (26)5.6
General health perceptionControl37.1 (24)33.1 (22)–4.00.000
Intervention34.2 (19)43.7 (20)9.5
  • 4-150 The p value was based on the probability of a difference occurring by chance in the change in mean scores from baseline to final assessment between the intervention and control groups.