Table 2

Data of quantitative angiography at follow up

Group APDAO (mm) LATDAO (mm) LADAO (mm2) Mean APST1-3 (mm) Mean LATST1-3 (mm) LAST (mm2) CLA (%) CAPLD (%) CLATLD (%)
  • APDAO, mean anterior-posterior diameter of the descending aorta 1 cm proximal to the stent; CAPLD, change of anteroposterior luminal diameter ; CLA, change of luminal area; CLATLD, change of lateral luminal diameter; LADAO, mean luminal area of the descending aorta 1 cm proximal to the stent; LAST, luminal area of the stent; LATDAO, mean lateral diameter of the descending aorta 1 cm proximal to the stent; Mean APST1-3, mean anteroposterior diameter of the stent lumen (measured at 3 mm, 9 mm, and 15 mm of the 18 mm stent); Mean LATST1-3, mean lateral diameter of the stent lumen (measured at 3 mm, 9 mm, and 15 mm of the 18 mm stent)