Table 2

Summary of useful medical treatments in valvar heart disease

LesionSymptom controlSecondary prevention and natural history
ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme.
Aortic stenosisDiuretics for heart failure. Nitrates and β blockers for anginaNo proven treatment but lipid lowering therapy may slow progression of calcific aortic stenosis
Mitral stenosisDiuretics for heart failure. Digoxin, β blockers, and rate limiting calcium antagonists for rate control in atrial fibrillationPenicillin prophylaxis against recurrent episodes of rheumatic fever. Anticoagulants to prevent systemic thromboembolism
Aortic regurgitationDiuretics and vasodilators (usually ACE inhibitors) for heart failureVasodilators (nifedipine or ACE inhibitors) to protect the left ventricular myocardium and delay the need for surgery
Mitral regurgitationDiuretics and vasodilators (usually ACE inhibitors) for heart failureNo proven treatment