Table 1

Factors associated with in-hospital mortality: unadjusted estimates

FactorCategoryNumberDeaths (%)Odds ratio95% CIp Value
*Excluding those with multiple valves infected; †abnormal erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) defined as >7 mm/h (for those <40 years of age) and >20 mm/h (>40 years of age); ‡excluding those with negative culture; §test for trend.
CI, confidence interval; CRP, C reactive protein; UCLH, University College London Hospitals, WCC, white cell count.
    Age (years)<6514724 (16.3)1 0.2
>656014 (23.3)1.560.74 to 3.27
    SexMale13722 (16.0)1 0.2
Female7016 (22.85)1.5490.75 to 3.18
    Duration of illness (days)≤54511 (24.4)1 0.04*
6–21506 (12.0)0.420.14 to 1.26
22–60516 (11.9)0.410.14 to 1.23
>60292 (6.9)0.230.05 to 1.12
    Origin of patientUCLH12016 (13.3)1 0.03
Referred8221 (25.6)2.231.09 to 4.61
Clinical findings
    DiabetesNo18630 (16.1)1 0.07
Yes145 (35.7)2.890.91 to 9.23
    PredispositionNo248 (33.3)1 0.05
Yes18330 (16.4)0.390.15 to 0.99
    Body mass indexUnderweight384 (10.5)1 0.9
Healthy759 (12.0)1.160.33 to 4.04
Overweight132 (15.4)1.550.25 to 9.62
Haematological findings
    Creatinine<133 μmol/l13919 (13.7)1 0.01
≥133 μmol/l5717 (29.8)2.681.27 to 5.65
    Albumin≥30 g/l13312 (9.0)1<0.0001
<30 g/l5921 (35.6)5.572.51 to 12.37
    WCC3 × 109–11 × 109/l1024 (3.9)1<0.0001
<3 × 109 or >11 × 109/l9029 (32.2)11.653.91 to 34.76
    CRP<10 mg/l102 (20.0)1 0.6
≥10 mg/l11916 (13.4)0.620.12 to 3.19
    ESR†Normal185 (27.8)1 0.1
Abnormal12616 (12.7)0.380.12 to 1.21
ECG and echocardiographic findings
    Heart rhythmNormal10812 (11.1)1 0.03
Abnormal8219 (23.2)2.411.09 to 5.31
    Valve typeNative14123 (16.3)1 0.2
Prosthetic6215 (24.1)1.630.78 to 3.40
    Visible vegetationNo7910 (12.7)1 0.1
Yes12828 (21.9)1.930.88 to 4.23
    Left ventricular functionOther15426 (16.9)1 0.9
Poor173 (17.6)1.060.28 to 3.95
    Valve regurgitationOther12415 (12.0)1 0.02
Severe6216 (25.8)2.521.15 to 5.53
    Embolic eventNo16729 (17.3)1 0.6
Yes347 (20.5)0.810.32 to 2.04
    Infected valve‡Aortic8513 (15.3)1 0.7
Mitral7714 (18.7)1.270.56 to 2.91
Tricuspid182 (11.1)0.690.14 to 3.38
Microbiological findings
    CultureNegative273 (11.1)1 0.3
Positive18035 (19.4)1.930.55 to 6.78
    Staphylococcus aureus§No13324 (18.0)1 0.4
Yes4711 (23.4)1.390.62 to 3.11
Duke criteriaOther8711 (12.6)1 0.07
Two major12027 (22.5)2.010.94 to 4.31
SurgeryNo9815 (15.3)1 0.3
Yes10723 (21.5)1.520.74 to 3.12